A good all-round and Qualitative education is the best inheritance we can give to our children at this time in Nigeria, Miracle Temitope Junior and secondary school sets out to give your children such education that caters for the total child. SPIRITUALLY MORALLY ACADEMICALLY It is good to furnish our parent and the society with useful information and details of our activities as well as our rules and regulations. This handbook is published to do just that. We do hope that it will be useful to parents and students. You are welcome to miracle Temitope "Junior & Secondary schools" HISTORY OF THE SCHOOL The school was established with divine inspiration from God. The vision came to me in the month of January 1997. The school was finally opened in February 2013 to the glory of God, with the assistance of my late husband "Elder M.O Ibeun" who supported my vision with some amount of money for a start. May his gentle soul rest in eternal peace. The journey of mi...